
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mom & Me Book Club: "Green Eggs & Ham"

We started hosting a Mom & Me book club after discovering this Mommy & Me Book Club website. They have such great ideas! We meet every other week for our book club and we follow the same general pattern of circle-time, crafts, and activities as they do on the website. For this weeks Mom & Me Book club we picked the book, "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss. 

Gathering Activity:  
For our gathering activity we pulled out a bunch of play food and let the kids create and put together different meals and treats and things to eat. We had them let the grown-ups "try" their creations just like he does in the book. They were definitely silly creations and mixtures that they came up with. They did things like waffle, chocolate, lettuce, and cheese sandwiches. Great fun. 

Circle Time:
During circle time we sang, "here we are together at Mommy & Me" and we sang through every child's name in attendance. Then we sang the "ABC's." Next we counted from 1-10 and back again from 10-1.  Then we read the book, "Green Eggs and Ham." After we finished the book we did a rhyming words matching game. See more about that in the next section. We ended circle time by singing, "shake my sillies out" with the last line being, "tip toe my sillies out" as we tip toed over to the table for a craft.

For our activity we did a rhyming & matching game using the words from the book. We got the idea from Here. We used the printouts from 
Here for one side and cut out a circle for the other-side to make it look like a green egg. Then laminated them and let the kids take turns flipping the eggs over with a spatula. We all worked together to see if they rhymed or went together in the book. It took the kids a little while, which was great because it allowed for more turns all around. 

For our craft we made Sam-I-AM place mats. We printed out a place setting for the kids to color that we got here. (or you could draw your own.) We gave them each pieces of cut up white and green paper that they could glue on to make greens eggs, and a cut out a piece of paper to represent ham as well. At the top of the page we had written ______ I Am. The kids filled in their name in the blank spot. Then we laminated each place mat so that the kids could take them home and use them. 

For another activity played "pin the egg on the plate." We got all the printables from here. We had the kids each take turns wearing a blindfold and place their egg on the plate or as close as they could get to it. 

For our last activity we made our own gooey gunk. Recipe here. We dyed it green and filled easter eggs with it. then when book club day came, we passed them out and let the kids play. 

Show & Tell:

Each child also brings an item related to the book (if they can) for show and tell. They stand up in front of everyone, say their name, show what they brought and tell the group why is is related to the book or why it is special to them. 

For snacks we had green deviled eggs and ham sandwiches. We also had green M & M's with pretzels. And in honer of Dr. Seuss, we had cat in the hat fruit kabobs.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mom & Me Book Club: "A Rainbow of My Own"

We started hosting a Mom & Me book club after discovering this Mommy & Me Book Club website. They have such great ideas! We meet every other week for our book club and we follow the same the general pattern of circle-time, crafts, and activities as they do on the website. For this weeks Mom & Me Book club we picked the book, "A Rainbow of My Own" by Don Freeman. 

Gathering Activity:  
For our gathering activity we had a large piece of butcher paper spread out across the table with the outline of a rainbow. All the kids worked together and colored in the different colors. After coloring we handed out a bunch of random objects for the kids to place in the right color spaces. 

Circle Time:
During circle time we sang, "here we are together at Mommy & Me" and we sang through every child's name in attendance. Then we sang the "ABC's." Next we counted from 1-10 and back again from 10-1. Then we sang to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it" And replaced the words with, "If you're wearing red and you know it clap you're hands"...and so on through all the colors. Then we read the book, "A Rainbow of my own." After we finished the book we shone a flashlight through a glass of water to make a rainbow of our own for the kids to see. We ended circle time by singing, "shake my sillies out" with the last line being, "tip toe my sillies out" as we tip toed over to the table for an activity.

For our activity we did the rainbow spaghetti noodle sensory activity that we saw on the Mommy & Me Book Club site, who got it from The Imagination Tree site. We dyed cooked spaghetti noodles all the different colors of the rainbow and let the kids play. Some kids made rainbows, others mixed and squished the noodles into piles and they all just had a blast playing with the noodles. 

For another activity we let a child pick a color from the rainbow. Then they thought of something that is that color. Then we all acted out the item they picked. And repeat. (For example: Color red was picked. They thought of a red car. We all pretended to be cars going around the room. Another kid picked blue and thought of a shirt. We all pretended to iron a shirt.)

For our craft we made fruit loop rainbows using fruit loops for the rainbow and cotton balls for the clouds.  

Show & Tell:

Each child also brings an item related to the book (if they can) for show and tell. They stand up in front of everyone, say their name, show what they brought and tell the group why is is related to the book or why it is special to them. 

For our rainbow themed snacks we had a rainbow fruit tray and rainbow pancakes. For the pancakes we had powdered sugar and cool whip instead of syrup. (less messy.) The kids also ended up putting the fruit onto the pancakes which worked out really well. We also had rainbow gold fish, and other crackers and goodies.