Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mom & Me Book Club: Llama Llama Red Pajama

For our Mom & Me Book Club this week we decided on a fun favorite of Llama Llama Red pajama by Anna Dowdney. For this book we pretty much got all of our ideas from the Mommy & Me Book club website. (Lot's of great ideas there!) Here is how it went for us.

Gathering activity:
First off, we encouraged everyone, Kids and Mom's included, to come in their pajamas! Red, if they had some. For the gathering activity we set out lots of pillows and blankets for everyone to sit on and Mom's and kids read through all different kinds of bedtime stories while we waited for others to arrive and for about 5-10 minutes after that. 

Because this particular book club was later in the day then others, we decided to have our snack before we started circle time. For snack/lunch we all brought red food to share and one Mom made these really cute Llama heads out of crescent rolls that we dipped in red sauce. Oh and we also had red fruit punch and other fun snacks too.

Circle time:
During circle time we all sang the song, "Here we are together at Mommy & Me" and sang through every child's name in attendance. Next we read through the book, Llama Llama Red Pajama." During the reading, when the little llama jumped and shouted, we had the kids get up and jump and shout along with him and so on as the llama did other things throughout the book. 

After reading the book we did the song and finger play, "There were Ten in the bed." Then we sang the song "Shake my sillies out" and we did some actions from the book. (stomp my sillies out, pout my sillies out and so on.) We always end that song with "tip toe my sillies out," as we tiptoe over to the table for a craft activity.

Craft/ Art Project:
For our craft we made llama llama red pajama paper bag puppets. We printed out the llama heads and pajamas and cut them out ahead of time. Link here & here.  The kids got to glue the heads and pajamas on the bags and color. 

The kids and their finished llama puppets.

For one activity we played a game called the "wake up game." It was very simple. Basically all the kids lay down on pillows and blankets and pretend to be a sleep. Then the "Mama Llama" yells "Wake up baby llamas!" and all the kids wake up. That's it. But the kids thought it was SO fun. So we played it over and over and over. And we let the kids be the Mama Llama sometimes. 

Another activity we did was use a bed sheet to play with like a parachute. Each kid and mom held onto a piece of the sheet and we lifted it into the air, brought it back down, bounced balls on it, brought it down over the little kids so they could hide under it, lifted it back up and so on. Lots of fun. 

And here are a couple of llamas in their red pajamas...

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