We started hosting a Mom & Me book club after discovering this Mommy & Me Book Club website. They
have such great ideas! We meet every other week for our book club and
we follow the same general pattern of circle-time, crafts, and
activities as they do on the website. For this weeks Mom & Me Book
club we picked the book, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" by Laura Numeroff.
Gathering Activity:
our gathering activity we let the kids draw their families just like the mouse does in the book. They of course signed their names with a pen, just as the mouse did as well.
Circle Time:
circle time we sang, "here we are together at Mommy & Me" and we
sang through every child's name in attendance. Then we sang the "ABC's."
Next we counted from 1-10 and back again from 10-1. Then we read the book, "If Give a Mouse a Cookie."
After circle time we let the kids help re-tell the story using props. Each child helped pick which item went next in the story and then lined up in order of the story. We used items that represented things from the book. A toy cookie, pretend milk, a dust pan, a blanket, scotch tape, a pen and so on. We got this idea from the Mommy & Me Book Club Website.
Then we sang "shake my sillies out" with the last line being,
"tip toe my sillies out" as we tip toed over to the table for a craft.
For our craft we made mouse puppets. We got the idea here. We used colored paper, cut out and prepped for the kids, googly eyes, a craft pom pom for the nose and glued it all together on a craft stick.
For our next activity we sang through the song, "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar" We all sat in a large circle and each kid got to point at/pick the next person who stole the cookie. The kids loved being the ones who stole the cookies and one of them even decided that, "yep, it was him."
Another activity we did was a cookie counting activity. We pre-cut out 10 paper circles per child. Each cookie had a number on it from 1-10 and had the amount of dots for the number. The kids got chocolate chips that they got to count out and put onto their "cookies" and occasionally sneak a few bites here and there. Got the idea from here.
Show & Tell:
child also brings an item related to the book (if they can) for show
and tell. They stand up in front of everyone, say their name, show what
they brought and tell the group why is is related to the book or why it
is special to them.
For treats and snacks we had Cookies, of course! We also had milk, cheese and crackers, fruit and veggies and various other snacks and goodies.
This is awesome! Thanks!